9th-12th Grade: Washington Family Ranch - Canyon
A Week of Adventure & Fun!
Canyon (Week 3: July 18-23)
What to expect:
The best week of your life!
What to bring:
Toiletries and clothes for six days, pajamas, one pair of closed-toed shoes, swimsuit, a towel, water bottle, sunscreen, chapstick, sunglasses, a hat, spending money for the drive/camp store/snack bar, and all your medications in their original containers!
Cost: $825
7th and 8th grade: Washington Family Ranch - Creekside
Get Ready to be Wyld!
Creekside (Week 8: July 20-24)
What to expect:
The best week of your life!
What to bring:
Toiletries and clothes for five days, a pair of closed-toed shoes, your swimsuit, a towel, your water bottle, sunscreen, chapstick, sunglasses, a hat, spending money for the drive/camp store/snackbar, and all medications in their original containers!
Cost: $750
6th Grade Camp-Winchester Bay
Adventure for the weekend!
July 11th-14th
What to expect:
The best weekend of your life!
What to bring:
Toiletries and clothes for 4 days, at least one pair of closed-toed shoes, swimsuit, at least one towel, water bottle - A MUST! - sunscreen/chapstick/sunglasses/hat, spending money for there drive there, all medications in their original containers.